We don't seem to have found your sunglasses.
Our model finder below can help to locate your sunnies.

Alternatively, if we don't have your sunglass model, we can make custom lenses and install them for you.

Sunglass model finder

Use our Model Finder above to help identify your exact model of sunglasses.

  • 01 - Enter the brand of your sungalsses and select it.
  • 02 - Enter your model number and select it.
  • 03 - Choose your size.

If you can not find lenses for your model, no problem. Our team will be happy to
custom make and install a pair of lenses just for you.

Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.

How to identify your sungalsses
How to identify your sungalsses

Can't Find Your Lenses?

Don't worry We will engineer a pair of precision lenses specially for your favourite sungalsses.
You mail them, then leave the rest to us.